Dr. Shapiro's Hair Institute • 1-561-414-4509

Pain After Hair Loss Surgery?

In twenty years of practice we always get the question: Will I have pain after the hair loss surgery procedure?

When Dr. Lawrence Shapiro first started his practice in 1989 the most common procedure for hair loss surgery was using hair plugs. These were groups of 8-10 hairs punched out from the back of the head with a 2cm punch. Then a slightly smaller punch was used to make another hole, a little smaller -- approximately 1.5 cm on the top of the head and the larger group of hairs was inserted into the smaller opening.

Finally the head was wrapped with bandages and the patient was sent home. This was fairly brutal and was painful. Afterwards the patient would have to return to the office and have the bandages removed. Since It was the only procedure done until Dr. Shapiro began using his strip technique (now a widely-used technique), it was traumatic to the patient.

Dr.Shapiro was trained in dermatological surgery using advanced techniques in skin closure and he has applied those techniques to hair transplant donor removal - pain free and quick healing.

In addition, in our office Dr. Shapiro has developed a preop technique so that you will not even feel the removal of the strip which only takes about five minutes. Afterwards we rarely have patients complain of discomfort if they follow our simple postop instructions. Patients return for simple removal of the suture two weeks later.

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