Dr. Shapiro's Hair Institute • 1-561-414-4509

Thinning Hair in Elderly
Men & Women

Hair loss and thinning hair is common in elderly men and women. There can be many causes. If an elderly patient is losing their hair and they also have a thin physical structure, then we must look for underlying causes such as thyroid, anemia, iron deficiency and medications such as high blood pressure medications or statins. However, it could be as simple as poor nutrition.

This is very common in the elderly and when corrected, the patients respond very quickly -- within a month or two -- with thicker fuller looking hair. Adequate amounts of daily protein, and certain hair vitamins will help the patient if they are under-nourished.

However, many patients do actually have male pattern baldness, both men and women, and regardless of their age. Only hair transplants will replace lost hair. Our oldest patient to date is 92 years old, who is enjoying a hair restoration similar to what he had lost in his youth.

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