Dr. Shapiro's Hair Institute • 1-561-414-4509

Fight Hair Loss & Win!

Chapter Excerpts, continued:

Ch 9

Chapter 9: Other Hair Loss Treatments: "The US Food and Drug Administration will approve a treatment for hair loss if the treatment is proven safe and effective, based on scientific studies. Be aware, however, that the possibility of side effects is weighed against the benefits of the treatment." Read more ...

Ch 10Left: Cloning in the future?

Chapter 10: Hair Transplants: "Hair transplant procedures rely on the genetics of hair growth. In the vast majority of people who lose their hair, a sizable portion of hair never falls out. This hair, usually a fringe above the ears and around the back of the head, is genetically encoded to grow throughout life. It is this permanently growing hair that serves as the "donor" region. The roots, or follicles, are removed and transplanted to a thinning area. Unlike hair weaves or wigs, the transplanted hair is permanent and will continue to grow indefinitely." Read more ...

Ch 11
Chapter 11: Top Ten Tips to Fight Hair Loss and Win!: "It doesn't matter what part of the world you are from: having a full head of hair will make you look years younger. Follow our top ten tips so you can have great looking hair to Fight Hair Loss and Win! We will discuss cultural and ethnic differences later in this chapter in more detail." Read more ...

>> Next Excerpts

Note: Results will vary based on number of sittings, hair texture, color, density, the number of grafts performed and placement of the grafts and the amount of hair loss the patient has prior to the sitting.
Hair transplants are permanent but will not stop the progression of normal hair loss.
Although we have had good results we cannot guarantee that your hair transplant will grow in the accelerated time even with AFR. This information is considered anecdotal evidence based on reports by the patient at the time of follow up. Double blind studies are currently going to be done by one or more of our 15 worldwide AFR clinics. Proper usage of the Help Hair Shake and Low Anabolic Profile assure optimal results.