Dr. Shapiro's Hair Institute • 1-561-414-4509

Accelerated Follicular Restoration

Before & After Photos: AFR Program

Before hair transplant Before hair transplant After hair transplant

Before & 6 months after - hair transplant with AFR

After hair transplant After hair transplant

Good hairline

Good hairline

Clinical study patient 23 - Before & Hair transplant with substantial growth at 6 months.

Note: Results will vary based on number of sittings, hair texture, color, density, the number of grafts performed and placement of the grafts and the amount of hair loss the patient has prior to the sitting.
Hair transplants are permanent but will not stop the progression of normal hair loss.
Although we have had good results we cannot guarantee that your hair transplant will grow in the accelerated time even with AFR. This information is considered anecdotal evidence based on reports by the patient at the time of follow up. Double blind studies are currently going to be done by one or more of our 15 worldwide AFR clinics. Proper usage of the Help Hair Shake and Low Anabolic Profile assure optimal results.