Can Keratin Fibers Substitute for a Hair Transplant?

Keratin fibers can cover up hair lossKeratin is used in many products designed to enhance the appearance of hair. This is because keratin protein is the key structural material of hair, nails and skin. Keratin fibers, often from wool, can be sprinkled on thinning hair to help cover up the scalp and give the hair a fuller appearance. How does this differ from a hair transplant, and can keratin fibers be a substitute for a hair transplant?

A hair transplant involves moving hair from a thicker part of the scalp to the thinning areas. It is a surgical procedure done while seated comfortably, using local anesthetic.

Issue: Permanence

Keratin fibers attach to the existing hair using a static electrical charge (similar to a weak magnet). They will not stain, smear or run, and they resist perspiration, wind and rain. They stay in the hair until the next shampoo, which is 1 to 3 days for most adults.

A hair transplant lasts a lifetime. In the case of male pattern balding, the “donor” hair is taken from the back and sides of the head, which are not subject to Continue reading

Should I Get a Toupee?

Question: I started losing hair on the top and front of my head about 10 years ago. My doctor said it is male pattern baldness. I didn’t worry much about it at the time. Now I’m divorced and back in the dating scene. Because of my male pattern baldness, the ladies seem to think I’m a lot older than I really am. It’s hard to get a date! This is putting a damper on my love life.

My barber suggested I get a toupee. He called it a “wig system.” Is this a good idea?

I want HAIR, not medications. I like the idea of instant results with a toupee, so I can start attracting the ladies. On the other hand, any girlfriend I have will eventually find out I wear a hair piece and might think I’m a phony.


Answer from Dr. Shapiro, Hair Transplant Doctor: Since you are in the dating scene, you are thinking clearly about wanting hair. It’s just math. The more hair loss you have, Continue reading

High Blood Pressure and Hair Loss

High blood pressure (hypertension) is a chronic medical condition that can cause heart attacks, strokes and early death. Hair loss is not directly caused by high blood pressure, but all patients must be aware of how certain hypertension medications can affect the hair.

Hypertension can begin in young adulthood, but the older an individual gets, the more likely they will develop high blood pressure. Most cases of hypertension show no symptoms, so the only way to tell is to have regular medical checkups that include a test with a blood pressure cuff. A reading of 120/80 mmHg or higher may indicate some form of hypertension. Only a doctor can diagnose hypertension. Even moderate chronic hypertension can cause problems.

Many cases of hypertension can be alleviated through diet and lifestyle changes. A regular, appropriate exercise routine is crucial. Diet and nutrition must be addressed, including balancing mineral intake (especially sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium), reducing refined sugars, and increasing fruit and vegetable consumption. Stress reduction is also important; for example, peer-reviewed published research on the Transcendental Meditation technique has demonstrated that it helps lower blood pressure. Continue reading

Midterm Predictions, By Hair


Published in Political Click October 15, 2010

Poll numbers, pundit predictions, tarot card readings and other guides to help you guess the outcome of the midterm elections have been thrown aside. It’s time to go super scientific and pick a winner based entirely on the luster and fullness of his or her locks.

Florida-based doctor Larry Shapiro of Dr. Shapiro’s Hair Institute analyzed the hair of candidates in 10 Senate and gubernatorial races and gave the rivals a 1 out of 10 rating on their shiny or not-so-shiny manes.

“I always say the one who has the most hair wins,” Shapiro told POLITICO on the phone from Florida.”Since it’s political season, we decided to come up with a roundtable of candidates and determine whether the hair gives them the edge. If you follow history, a lot of our favorite presidents have had perfect hair. Reagan had perfect hair,” said Shapiro, who gave Reagan a 10 in his political hair hall of fame.

Click to read this entire hair article on

Hair Loss from Weight Loss: A Sign of Trouble

The ads for weight loss systems are so enticing: Lose Weight Fast! But they don’t tell you that you can also Lose Hair Fast. This is called “shock loss” and it is not good. Hair loss while dieting is a sign that your body is in distress.

Your hair is composed of nutrients that you have ingested. When you undertake a diet that is not nutritionally balanced, you are asking for trouble. If anyone tells you that hair loss while dieting is “normal,” question it.

The cycle of the hair follicle has three stages: the anagen phase, when the hair is growing; the catagen phase, when the hair follicle shrinks and falls out; and telogen, when the hair follicle rests. Not eating a proper Continue reading