Dr. Shapiro's Hair Institute • 1-561-414-4509

Mark's Hair Transplant (Miami)


I'm a lawyer and appearance is important to me. I do a lot of trial work. I didn't want go bald. I saw my friends gone bald and I didn't want go bald. I would say to them that they should do it! I think it's ... if they care about their appearance, ... if they're concerned, if they feel uncomfortable with their hair, they should do it. It's a, it's a painless procedure. It's very ... it's not invasive, it's not an inconvenient procedure, ...you take a day off work, and the next day you're back to work. I grew more hair and my friends have less hair. As the years progress but I feel good! I think that appearance is important you know, specially in the day and age we are in and I feel good about my hair, it makes me feel comfortable.

I looked in the mirror, I feel good! I look good. I feel that I look good.

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